Playing with Heart

Day 3: Ireland vs Germany, L 7-14

Hustle. Heart. Sweat. Tears. Frustration. Excitement. Exhaustion. Teamwork. Together.

This sums up the match yesterday for us against Germany. It was a frustrating game, to say the least. The score does not reflect how close the game actually was. The score also doesn’t tell you how many fouls were called on Ireland for sneezing in the direction of the Germans. It doesn’t tell you how many times we worked hard to get the ball back, celebrated intensely with a goal, and how many hits we took. The score doesn’t show how much we improved as a team with every passing second, and how much we learned from the loss.

Hopefully our game today against the Netherlands will.

Against Austria our word was “pride”. Yesterday against Germany it was “heart”. While the game did not end with a victory, we played with heart. And I’m proud of that.

The Morris sisters smiling in a huddle against Austria

The men’s team won in four overtimes against Finland 8-7! Go those boys in green. They have been at our last two games supporting us, and it makes a big difference. It is quite something to hear people singing to you while you play. As I have said before, the support between the men’s and women’s team is special. It sets Ireland apart from other countries.

Men’s goal against Sweeden. Two wins in a row!

Here are some good pictures from the Austria game. The pictures have not posted from our game yesterday. When they do, I imagine that they will show us throwing our bodies all over the field. Ironically, I was thrown down on the field hitting my head on the turf and Germany got a yellow card warning. I did a quick stick to goal with just me and the goalie and got a yellow card for dangerous propelling. Hmm…

The bruises look much better in real life. Shows I’m using my left a lot!

Great triple team. Please note V’s face. Classic! Warrior!

Ok off to beat the Dutch. Wish us luck! GO IRELAND!

Irish Pride

Day 2: Ireland vs. Austria, WIN 19-3

YES! A “W” for Ireland.

Today we played like a different team than we did against England. We were more relaxed, energized, and confident. The energy started well before warm-ups and carried us through the cool-down. From the first draw, we were focused and intense, doubling the ball all over the field and working together on attack.

Our three captains, Rebecca, Katelin, and Robyn, came up with a great idea to write “Pride” on our wrists to remind us why we were here and what we were playing for. Not only did it make for cool photos, but it helped when I was tired or frustrated to look down at my wrist to find inspiration to stay positive. Dig deeper. Push harder.

I played midfield again, scoring five goals…a new high for me. It is great to play on both sides of the ball. I normally prefer attack or defense, leaving out the running in between the restraining lines. However, I am enjoying the new challenge of taking the draws and playing middie.

My teammates are so supportive and fun to play with that it makes the game much more enjoyable. Caroline, who is going to Vanderbilt, had another impressive day scoring five goals as well. Even though she is the youngest and I am the oldest, the age difference doesn’t factor into our friendship on or off the field. She plays for a rival high school at home, and it will be great to cheer her on in her senior season when we return.

My friend and teammate Laurie got player of the game against England for her defensive efforts. The fact that our coaches planned in advance to bring us shirts for the “player of the game” shows how deeply they care about us and Ireland lacrosse. Their commitment, encouragement, and coaching makes a significant difference on and off the field. As we do to salute other teams at the end of the game, give me three cheers for Laurie: Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray!

Today we play Germany. They beat Austria by a similar margin, and I imagine it will be a tough game. They are very fit, tall, and athletic. So are we. Looking for Green to pull out another win. Yesterday was a good day for Ireland with the men’s team beating Sweeden 12-4.

Wish us luck for another repeat. GO IRELAND! BEAT GERMANY!




And so it begins…

Day 1 of 8: England vs. Ireland

Yea…about that…

The match did not go as well as we had hoped. We lost by a significant margin. It was a very physical match, and judging from my photo, the fouls were flying both ways. I have two massive bruises on my head and let’s not even talk about my arms. The fact that a major foul of mine was caught on film is not a plus, but I consider us even after the bruises my teammates walked away with. Well, maybe not completely even…

While it is never fun to lose, I know that the team made major strides today. Considering the fact that it was our first time ever playing as a team, plus the fact that we are playing the fourth ranked team in the world, I think we handled ourselves a bit better than what the score reflected.

I have a laundry list of things to work on (guess I will add “no cross checks” to the list), but mostly I need to remember to have fun with this amazing group of girls. I get in my head and frustrated when I really play better and enjoy myself more when I’m not calculating all of my mistakes. Who benefits from doubting myself? The other team. I certainly don’t.

We are getting prepared to face Austria tomorrow at 5 pm. Hopefully, I will have good news to report. It won’t be worse than today, so that’s already a plus!

After the game I spent some time with my mom and dad in downtown Amsterdam, the city of crazy bikers. Cars trump bikes and bikes trump people. Basically this translates to watch out. Pedestrians do not have the right of way, and a bike may hit you because you’re moving too slowly. No joke. When I took a team here last summer two of my girls were hit. I think it has gotten worse.

My dad arrived today in time for the game. Such a trooper. He arrived at the field, bags in hand from the overnight flight, ready to cheer on his team. Exhausted, my mom and I got him settled into his apartment after the game. I was starving, so my mom and I went in search of food, one of my favorite things in the world. My experience with the food so far has been subpar, at best. We were recommended to try a local Dutch restaurant called Moeder, “mothers” in Dutch. How fitting. We had a great meal for the second day in a row. Success.

Yesterday the team went into Amsterdam, and I stole away for a little over an hour to have lunch with my mom. Instead of hitting one of the tourist traps, we asked a local man where the best place for pasta was in the area. We ended up at a cute Italian restaurant off the beaten path with loud Italian waiters paying tons of attention to us and shouting undecipherable things to each other in Italian. Felt pretty authentic.

After another good meal tonight, I met up with the team to cheer on the men against the Netherlands. They gave it a good go, but lost the lead with one quarter to go. Hope that the luck of the Irish will kick in for both teams tomorrow!

One of my favorite things about wearing green and playing for Ireland is the camaraderie. The Irish bleed loyalty and teamwork. After every match the men’s team goes over to their fans, clapping to the fans in appreciation of their support. The women’s team sings “Ireland’s Call” to our supporters, which chokes me up every time since the song drips with country pride. Mine grows daily.

Off to bed to rest up for our big game tomorrow. I think that we will come out fighting from the first whistle. GO IRELAND! BEAT AUSTRIA!


Getting Into Full Swing

2012 European Championship Ireland Team before the Opening Ceremony

I have been a busy bee.

We woke up yesterday a bit sore and energized to run the mile. I got a personal best of 6:05, and the entire team cruised in with good times. After two hours of practice following the mile, I couldn’t believe that I was disappointed we were done for the day. I enjoy playing with this team so much and being coached by our coaches that I would have been happy to stay on the pitch for hours more. Pretty unusual for me.

We traded our training shorts for khakis, revealing that there were actually attractive people behind the goggles. We loaded the bus with the men’s team and headed for the opening ceremony for the tournament. Over 2,000 players lined up, chanting their country’s song, and sporting brand new gear splashed in their colors. We waited outside the arena to be called, bantering with the men’s team and snapping photos in line.

The ceremony was held in the arena where the 1928 Olympics were held and will be again in 2028. The Olympic rings covered the entrance, making us feel like we had entered into a new threshold. Many hope and expect that lacrosse will be an Olympic sport by 2028, if not way before. Fingers crossed.

Today was another great day. We did team stickwork this morning and I led everyone in a modified version of yoga sun salutations. I’m not giving up the stick for the mat anytime soon. My yoga skills could use some work.

We headed to the pitch for lunch and practice, giving us a chance to scout some of the other teams. I am impressed by the overall level of competition and athleticism on each team. I’m a tall girl, but there are some talllll girls on other squads. Massive.

I am officially playing midfield, which is exciting and bit intimidating since I have not played it before. However, I love playing on both ends of the field, so I’m sure it will work out. And work ME out.

After practice we watched the men’s game versus England. I have been on many teams in my life, but the support and unity that the men’s and women’s teams have is unparalleled. I felt so overwhelmed to be part of this amazing group of players, signing at the top of my lungs supporting Ireland and the men.

My mom arrived today and my dad arrives on Saturday for our first match against England, our toughest competition. I imagine that it will be powerful to put on the green and orange uniform knowing that I’m representing my dad’s entire side of the family, especially my grandparents who have both passed away. I’m sure it will be quite a moment for my dad as well.

Well, I’m off to bed. Tomorrow we have an early practice and then will head into the city for the first time since we arrived. It has already been a whirlwind, and I already consider my teammates dear friends. I can only imagine how much closer we will be after this. There is a special bond we share and an energy that each girl possesses. Our coaches all played for Ireland in the 2009 World Cup, and they share the same passion and enthusiasm that we do. It is a great group and I am blessed to be part of it. GO IRELAND!

Training Time!

First day of training, and I’m dog tired. Exhausted. Sore. Exhilarated.

For the first real time playing together, I am astounded by how well we gelled. People were picking, moving off ball, and hitting feeders like we have been playing for months together. Stick slaps and “good” games were heard all over the field. Guess all those mass emails paid off in the chemistry department.

I’m still adjusting to the accents and word differences. I’ve gotten used to calling the “field” a “pitch” and a “uniform” a “kit”, but there are many other phrases that are lost on me. Luckily, “ball” and “help” are the same.

I love everyone on the team, and I am getting really excited for playing together. Tomorrow night is the opening ceremony for the European Championships. We just got heaps of great gear tonight, so hopefully we will look “smart” tomorrow. Another English/Irish word that is thrown around quite a bit.

I had two “you know you’re in Europe when…” moments today. First, our rooms. We have a double room. In the states, a double room implies two double beds. Not here. We are in a glorified shoe box with two twin beds pushed together. Talk about getting cozy with your roommate. We each get our own set of sheets, but we could cuddle with ease if we chose to. Thankfully, we won’t.

Second moment was my encounter with the vending machines. I went to grab water and passed a vending machine solely for beer. Imagining a beer vending machine in the states is pretty wild. More telling that I was in Europe was that the water cost the same as beer. If the games weren’t right around the corner, what would be my incentive to drink overpriced water when this machine was right next to it?

Well, I’m off. We have early breakfast and a timed mile in the morning, followed by practices. I’m still not sure what time it is, but I know that I need to sleep now or I won’t get to.

Have a great day!


Travel to the EUROS

“When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money.  Then take half the clothes and twice the money.”  ~Susan Heller

The wait was finally over. After six months of training and days of fretting, the day was finally here. I was heading to Amsterdam to compete in the European Championships for the Ireland Women’s team. Eight games in eight days. Over 2,000 players in attendance. Over 20 nationalities represented. One incredible experience.

I had my bags packed, my checklist crossed off, and I was ready to head to the airport to fly to Amsterdam. Or was I?

Packing for my trip was a struggle. There are four seasons in one day in Amsterdam, so I had to prepare for anything. Sweat pants? Check. Raincoat? Check. Sundress? Check. Quite the combination. Being an clotheshorse and over-packer by nature, luck was not on my side for shoving all my gear into one bag. I ordered a bag long enough to hold my sticks, turfs, and gear. Everything fit without any problem. What a relief!

Until I tried to pick it up.

I forgot one small detail. The size. It could easily double as a body bag. So while I was impressed with myself for fitting everything, I neglected to acknowledge that filling a four-foot long bag to the brim would weigh a ton. And it did. And the bag does not have rollers. No dice.

Judging it to weigh well over 50 lbs, I grabbed a smaller bag and began chucking clothes and gear between bags. Did I think to leave things at home? Nope. I just made more room to off-set the weight. I’m heading to Europe for three weeks, but packed for three months.

Everett, my amazing boyfriend, hauled my bags to the car and off we went to the airport with three hours to spare. I was flying out of Dulles International Airport, purgatory for all travelers. Having had a bad experience before at Dulles, I wanted to allow extra time before my 5:55 PM flight. As soon as we pulled up I knew that I was right. The line wrapped through the lanes and overflowed halfway down the terminal.

I was pulled from line by an attendant because she was worried about my bags being too heavy. My three-bag scheme fooled nobody. Rats. I wheeled myself to the scale, heaved my bags on to find that my body bag was exactly 50 lbs. But I wasn’t out of the clear just yet. My carry-on bags needed to weigh 25 lbs combined. The scale doesn’t lie. I was over by five pounds. Inwardly scolding myself for bringing 80 lbs of who-knows-what to Europe, I asked how much it would cost. $100 unless I took some articles out and wore them to the check-in counter. Well that was an easy answer.

While slowly weaving through a ridiculous line, I begin to look even more ridiculous with each turn. I pulled clothes from my bag and layered like a kid going sledding for the first time. My butt grew four sizes as I wrapped top after top around my waist. I waddled up to the counter hoping the attendant would not comment on the fact that I was clearly wearing a few pounds of extra clothes around my midsection. He didn’t seem to notice. Better yet, he didn’t weigh my carry-ons. All of that for nothing, except maybe the entertainment of my fellow passengers.

Now, for security. I held my breath as I prepared for what would await me at the bottom of the stairs. A massive blob on disgruntled travelers immediately came into view. Traveler’s dreams go to die at Dulles and this was just another day. Like cattle, I was herded with the rest from one end of the airport to the other. All the while I was stuck behind a man who smelled like onions. I’m sure he is a perfectly nice man, but come on. Mandatory deodorant application should be administered when they are checking your boarding pass to enter into security if you will be stuck there for over an hour.

The woman behind me missed her flight. The clock was ticking on making mine. Although I had allowed over 2.5 hours for this endeavor, I was still not on my way to my gate. I sent my bags through the scanners, anxiously eying the time. As I waited for my bag to be scanned, I heard the TSA agent say, “Um, I’m trying not to freak out, but do you see this?!?” Crap. I knew immediately what they were concerned about. In my bag swap, I put my stim machine in my carry-on. The stim machine is in a black case with lots of wires. Doesn’t take a genius to realize what they assume I’m carrying. The dreaded b-word.

Luckily, I was not seized on the spot. An explanation fell clumsily from my lips as the agent eyed me cautiously. Thankfully the case was deemed acceptable, but everything had to go through the scanner again. Tick, tock. Tick, tock.

I hurried to my terminal to grab some food to carry on the plane when I heard the final boarding call for my flight. Classic. A younger Sarah who always reached the gate in the nick of time would have still been waiting at the ticket counter covered in clothes. Instead, I heaved a sigh, grateful I have learned a few things over the years.

I boarded the flight only to find that I had a front row seat to the baby brigade. Directly diagonal to me were two infants, one toddler, and one 3-year-old all joining in a chorus of cries. Thank goodness for ear plugs. Ear plugs and complete exhaustion.

Seven hours later we touched down in a rainy and cold Amsterdam. 52 degrees and raining was not the welcome I had hoped for. I ran into some other lacrosse players in the terminal, which instantly warmed me up with the excitement for the days ahead.

I paid the extra 20 euros for early check-in, grabbed a big breakfast, and headed to bed. Devin, one of my teammates, was arriving many hours later, so I hunkered down to snooze for a bit. Devin’s knock on the door woke me up. Head pounding and completely disoriented, I stumbled to the door to let her in.

After lounging for a bit, Devin and I grabbed a burger for dinner. So American of us. Ironically, I hardly eat burgers at home. Go to Europe to eat like an American. Oh well. We wanted a safe and easy meal in the hotel, and we got it.

Now, I am off to bed. I barely know what time it is or what continent I’m on. It is 10:40 pm here and the sky is just beginning to go dark. Such a change from DC. Hoping to be fully rested and energized for our first day of practices tomorrow where the new players have to serenade the existing girls with Ireland’s National Anthem. In Gaelic. I don’t think mouthing “watermelon” will cut it. I will keep you posted.

Erin Go Bragh!